Friday, July 17, 2015

Reproductive Choice

Let's stop tiptoeing around the obvious. We all know perfectly well that what that Planned Parenthood official was saying, in between mouthfuls of wine and salad, was: So far we have to watch out for the law, but as soon as we don't have to worry about that anymore, we can kill babies in the womb right up to the last minute before natural birth and sell their body parts like hot cakes. Livers, hearts, heads, whatever-you want it, we got it! Hooray for Choice!

If all acts whatsoever were instantly and unqualifiedly sanctified by the word "choice", then I suppose what the Nazis CHOSE to do to the Jews could be called a robust expression of liberty.

Ah, but--the argument goes--the Nazis committed atrocities against OTHER people. Reproductive choice is about a woman's control over her own body!

Really. So...I suppose Salad Lady was talking about the heads and hearts and livers of the mothers....

Up to twenty weeks and more. Think about that. If the abortionists fully get their way, there won't even be a 20-week limit. As Debbie Wasserman said, it will be entirely at the mother's discretion up to any point whatever.

Think about that.

It's been nine months. The labor pains have started. "Know what? I'm not emotionally capable of doing this. I don't want it. Terminate it."

Outlandish? No. It's the logical conclusion of what Wasserman said.

Well, yeah,'s only words. You needn't put the worst construction on it.

Mein Kampf was only words, too. And, as history shows, words mean things.

They can come to mean terrible things.

Especially when we say "Pff! Come on, don't make such a big deal out of it."

Don't make a big deal out of the leader of one of America's two ruling political parties suggesting that the killing of a child in the womb right up to the moment of natural birth is acceptable?

Why...precisely...SHOULDN'T we "make a big deal out of it"?

Isn't that the same as saying, "Shut up and don't argue?"

Which is very much the line being taken now by the Left: Just shut up and don't argue,'re a...a...hater. So there.

It is the polemic of intellectual bankruptcy.

And spiritual bankruptcy.