Thursday, April 26, 2012

"Stones or Faith?" - the interpreters' version

This is a revision of "Stones or Faith?", specially for preaching across the language barrier, i.e., through live interpretation. You'll notice that the phrasing is quite different from the "original" version-- which wasn't actually original, since it was my translation into English of my Russian original, but anyway, neither the "original" Russian or English versions were designed to be preached "in stereo", i.e., me, then interpreter, then me, then interpreter, etc.  This version reduces the thoughts to bite-size chunks, to make for a relaxed, smooth exchange between me and the interpreter. The key is "concise, full thoughts". The two things an interpreter can't stand are, 1) run-on sentences, and 2) fragments of a thought. Those who are speaking to an audience through an interpreter for the first time often make both mistakes - the first, because they get carried away with their thoughts and forget the poor interpreter has to remember everything and translate it for the audience; the second, because the speaker gets over-cautious (indeed, sometimes virtually paranoid) and, trying not to overload the interpreter, offers a "sentence" like, "Because of which, we'll most likely"-- then gives the interpreter an okay-you-can-translate-that look, to which the exasperated interpreter replies with a you-haven't-actually-SAID-anything-yet look.  

So, here it is: 

Stones or Faith? 

Read John 10:24-31

In verse 23 the people press Jesus to speak openly, "When will you tell us who you are?", and Jesus responds, "I have told you".

When did Jesus tell them? Well, look at verse 7 in this chapter: "I am the door". And verse 9: "Whoever enters through me will be saved". And verse 10: I have come that they might have life". Also verse 11: "I am the good shepherd". And one more, verse 15: "The Father knows me and I know the Father".

Has Jesus really been hiding the meaning of his mission? Not at all! He is openly announcing the meaning and purpose of his coming. Nevertheless, the people continue asking, "Who are you?" Jesus answers, "I have told you, but you do not believe". And that really is what this is all about. If the people are unwilling to believe, then no matter what Jesus says, their next question will be, "Who are you?" Because they don't believe, they don't hear. So words become useless. Even miracles hardly help. Jesus says (read vv. 25b-26a), "The works that I do in my Father's name testify of me, but you don't believe". So neither words nor miracles make any difference. Why? The Lord explains why: (26b) "You don't believe because you are not of my sheep, as I have told you."

"Not of my sheep"—there is the crux of this issue. Again and again, Jesus has talked about this special relationship, a relationship in which the sheep know the shepherd; they know his voice. As in verse 3 (read), and verse 4 (read), likewise verse 14 (read), and verse 16 (read). To those who "have ears to hear", Jesus makes it quite very clear what he means. Standing here in front of the people is not only a teacher, not only a prophet, and (listen very carefully now), not only Christ as the people expected Christ! Instead, standing here in front of them is Christ as he really is. It turns out that the real Messiah cannot be defined according to human understanding. The critical element is not whether Christ meets our expectations; the critical element is whether we will hear what he's saying. Do his words reveal truth and life to our hearts?

Jesus cannot tell the crowd, "Yes, I am everything you've been waiting for", because they haven't been waiting for Messiah as he really is. In fact, the Lord did them a kindness by not telling them such a thing, for they would surely have misunderstood. Actually, it was only on the rarest occasions that Jesus spoke so plainly, that he told a person directly, "I am the Christ". When did he do this? It wasn't when the people and their leaders were demanding an answer from him, especially when they were doing so aggressively. No, it was when a person's faith was just being born and needed assurance.

We see such an instance in chapter 9. Let's read 9:35-38. This man had been blind all his life and Jesus gave him sight. Imagine that! And this man refused to denounce Jesus for the healing, even when the Pharisees threatened to throw him out of the temple forever. What a day in this man's life! He received sight which he had never had in his whole life. And he was excommunicated from the most sacred place in his religion. All on the same day! Imagine the emotional earthquake this was for him. And in the middle of this earthquake, Jesus walks up to him and asks, "Do you believe in the Son of man?" The poor man answers in desperation, "Who is he, Lord, so I can believe in him?" And Jesus gives this man the answer he wouldn't give to society's bigshots when they demanded it. He says, "You've seen him; you're talking to him."

Christ spoke similarly to a woman at a well one day in Samaria, to a woman who was disgraced for her sin and shunned by society. When she was just beginning to see, she let the half-hoping words slip out: "They say that… when Messiah comes… he'll tell us everything…." Jesus looks her straight in the eye and says, "The one talking with you now is he."

The key element in these cases was this: the person's heart was starting to open to the deeper reality of Jesus' identity. The person wasn't ordering Jesus to conform to some list of requirements. Jesus offers the gift of life to those how receive him just as he is. He shows his true glory to the ones who accept him in faith. When people accept Christ just as he is, then he accepts them just as they are.

But why didn't the Pharisees and crowds understand? It was because they didn't believe. But why didn't they believe? (read 10:26-27) What makes a person not Christ's sheep? It's the absence of any desire to meet God, of any desire to know and love the Creator. It's the attachment to self that won't admit any possibility of God's changing you.

The sheep belongs to the shepherd; it is his and it totally trusts him. But the bystander, the stranger, doesn't belong to him, and doesn't want to! Do we desire encounter with God? Are we ready to trust Him? If so, God will reveal truth to our hearts. Jesus said to the people, in John 7:17: "Whoever is willing to do [God's] will, that one will know whether my teaching is from God or whether I'm just speaking for myself." If a person has the desire and is ready to receive, then the Lord will find him.

While we're in chapter 7, look at the next verse, verse 18. This verse made me meditate further on these things (read).

Jesus says about himself that he doesn’t seek his own; instead, he seeks the glory of the one who sent him. We can make a parallel here to Jesus' followers: the good shepherd's sheep also don't seek their own; they seek what will glorify God. In this way they're like the good shepherd—maybe not perfectly, but they have his calling in their hearts. Christ desires above all the Father's glory. So, this is what Christ's sheep desire, too. They hear him and grow like him; they follow him and he knows them. And he can say anything to them and they'll receive it. Christ can even say something like this to them (read 10:28-30).

Here is Christ just as he is. Who can receive such words? Who can receive a Messiah who says such things--who says such things as "I and the Father are one"? The people demanded, "Tell us plainly!" So Jesus told them plainly: "I and the Father are one." It was obvious from the beginning, wasn't it, that it would all come to this. Who could have the right to say something like, "I am the door; whoever enters through me will be saved"? Or, "I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me"? Or, "I have the power to lay down my life and take it up again"? Who can say such things? Only the one who can say, "I and the Father are one". This is he who promises eternal life—and really fulfills the promise! He holds believers in his hand, which is the hand of God, and he guards them from the enemy. Jesus didn't come to the world in order to obey people's definition of "Christ". He came to define the word himself! To define by his own being what and who God's Christ is. Through his words and works, through his love and sacrifice, through his power and authority, Jesus did define "Christ", and "Christ" is everything that Jesus is.

When Jesus Christ made it very clear who he was, what did the people do in response? Did they say, "Thank you very much"? No. (read 10:31-33)

There's the difference between the ones who are Christ's sheep and those who aren't. We see here the response of those who aren't his. The true sheep hear and receive, they contemplate and submit to his word. They look at the one who is saying these words and think: "If such a person as this says such words, a person who does such miracles, a person who radiates such truth and grace—if such a person says such words, then they are true words. Our true Shepherd and God has visited His people."

But those who only wanted to judge Jesus, not to know him, they of course picked up stones. Stones or faith—these are the two responses to the Good Shepherd's revelation. Stones or faith. Anger or love. Rejection or embrace. The response we make will show whether we belong to him. He gave his life for his sheep. He gave his life and he took it up again, not because the people expected it, but because that's who he is! "Tell us who you are!", the people shouted. But just look at Jesus, listen to him, with a sincere heart towards God, and you'll know who he is. More importantly, he'll know you.