Friday, June 26, 2015


The greatest thing that Christians, American or otherwise, can do to "defend" their essential, intrinsic freedom be free.


Be it before even thinking about defending it.

The Holy of holies, the innermost "sanctum" of God's temple, was an object lesson representing the place in the human spirit that God would inhabit in glory and love. It is a place of sovereignty--and, yes, supremacy--over all that is on the outside. It is the place where "you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free". No human laws, no social conventions, no cultural forces, no thought police, mob rule or "political correctness" can invade or own that place, unless we defile the holy place by letting them in. Make no mistake, they will beat on the temple gates, but that is not the same as getting in. The power, and the choice, is always ours, in spiritual union with "the Son of Man who makes you free" to deny them entry, and to live in the spacious freedom of the living Truth, the central place that is greater and vaster than everything that pretends to surround it.

The writer Dorothy L. Sayers, who died in 1957, observed the trend in society/culture and presciently concluded that the day would come when everybody would be just literate enough to uncritically swallow whatever the owners of mass communications fed them. The correlation to the above is obvious.