Tuesday, February 2, 2016

The Endless Labyrinth of the Finite Heart

God's child, shaken awake in the deep grave-like night, stumbles blearily, at first, into the starlit dark, imbibes the bracing air, and throws body and soul into the long, hard march, steered by the Light of the World






     'Twixt Then and Then

     In the fusion of Will and will

     A Kingdom comes

     Creating Now.


     And Past and Future

     Are born

     Of Love's immediate

     Sway and instant

     Soul's attendance,


     In conquering sacrament

     Of holy presence.




Death knocks, demands entry, the house is roused, the child quakes, playthings and whims are forgotten, the Master rises, opens the door, and Death, prostrate before the living Presence, begs to serve




In the Son of Glory God the Sum of Glory unfolds, unveils, life's 'primal Sun' and Morning Star, the soul's native shore and everlasting patria




Though it jar the soul and prod our deepest fortress fears, the knocking at the door is the sound of Pity's hand, Compassion's urge, of holy, reclaiming Cure




Love surges from the expansive center to encompass horizons all around and from that infinite aspect embrace life's boundless reaches within




From the withering, world-cobbled dominion of things into the life-stirring ebullience of Kingdom brotherhood


"He who has seen Me..."




Intense discernment--essential to maintain

For distance from the darkened perception

That itself is distance

From the All-Occupying Life


The essence of Man supremely aspires

(If truth be told)

To the place of certain contemplation

And unbarred adoration

Of the Risen Reigning Presence


Weary storm-blown spirit-craft

Unfurl your sails

Till now too weakly presented

To the Master's deathless fervent sway


And begin to share the deep power




Our being begets our seeing, which sparks our striving, which ordains the destination




It is not inevitable that we should populate and demarcate life's inevitably vague horizons with fearsome phantoms and hopeless verdicts




As He in thought, perception, word and deed,

So we, with heart, eye, mouth and hand

Answer true, by Love and His agony freed

To run sure, grow deep, and alive to the Uttermost—stand


"I will run the way of Thy commandments, when Thou shalt enlarge my heart."




Through desert wastes and thorns, on sorrow's fiery sands, under the strident sun of Law, from driven self to Promised  Self--a hopeful trek if, only, life's thirst is slaked by the living Source beneath




There is a Strength, an undiminishable locus of Life, a holy Power that illumines endurance, a radiant Region of Imagination's birth, truth and materialization in Love; there is and because there is we say, 'I must....'




In a world where the firmament declares His glory and the hills skip for joy, grace beyond feeling guides our faith to a home past imagining




The royal highway from Sinai to Zion, from Alpha to Omega, from Epiphaneia to Parousia, runs its course and measures its meaning through the valley of drudgery and humiliation, Christ-illuminated with faith-charged, radiant might.




The will to wake,

The will to take

The broken steps


No matter the dream or draw

Of backward glance

Or sideways glimmer.

Be it the dark you see

Clearly ahead,

Keep on, keep straight,

In faith and hope,

And love the Light

In which, in Whom

You clearly see.

It is not the dark

Sees the dark,

But Light infused—

Sees, steps, pierces,

Masters in simplicity,

And knows itself there.




Blessed are they who ascend through crisis to poverty in spirit, where nothing's left to own or treasure than Majesty's Ingress and Audience at their humble, transfigured table




Praise God--He gave the Church, His Bride, a sure and gushing spring of life, the living gauge of truth and Eternity's 'oil of gladness': The Paraclete, Who curbs pernicious pride, Who chides the stale distracted heart, Who tugs the drooping spirit up again to go and grow and flame with primal joy.




Venturing home, shod with hope, girded with Promise, mustering heart's will against faithless comforts, pressing nearer the unseen all-penetrating Source




Infant expression of unseen root: the nascent scion's fire-born drive to inhabit the Heavenly Sire's fearless perfection




Memories and mourning, enfenced and tilled by Grace, marvelously become the rich medium and fertile earth of holy Kingdom joy, but the fence must encircle and lock fast, and the tilling go deep




God's child comes rushing back to Love's primordial axis: the sublime Mother-glow of the mighty Father-glory blazing from the Spirit's hearth in Son-concentric beams--to melt away the clinging flakes of Self-ish snow and thaw the child's pride-chilled limbs within




At life's core, a Power and a purpose, a crucible of mystery and light, and a primal drive to utter Manhood in the Love at life's core 




The familiar, comforting and commonsense

Raise a tumult to drown out His call 

To the unknown and awful, primordial and holy

The glory of His face pierces the tumult 

All is silent   




Christ, the heart and Way to the heart of things.




Arise and go to Him, Cry out to Him, and do; He will make sense, light, a kingdom... and you.




To chafe and brood 

Over wounded rights 

And tout my self-charged view 

Is to smother His 

Creating breath 

And drown, 

In proud confusion, 

The living hue 

Of Grace.




The contrite spirit--a sacrifice of will: ascent to the height only ever begins from wherever you are, if it is to begin at all.




The Beauty, Silence and Surrender: The infant soul clutches the beautiful thing to keep it forever, and grief follows; the soul grown deeper in Love surrenders to the Beauty that retreats and, by retreating, returns, and by returning remakes the soul for Its own forever.




Before appearances and non-appearances, circumstances and forces, I speculate and doubt... I run to Honesty's door and knock... harmonious percussion greets my touch... calling calls to calling in essential duet: 'Come in... and enflesh the purpose'.




The Awakened Anima is alive to the need that dawns in Redemption and flowers in Love; her contingency is revealed as Gift, her authenticity as Koinonia, her being as Worship




Imago Dei, inherently exalted, unique in place and response to Eternity's Only Presence, you truly cohere where, only, you truly inhere: the begetting bond in the Father of Mercy and the Sacrifice Lamb


'And... our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ' 




From the purging perimeter to the pervading center--the secret life in the depths of the fire.




The One who walks, risen, crowned, in brilliant glory among the lampstands, with every star, all heaven and earth--Death's keys and Life's wellsprings, too--forever fixed in hand, His hand... He whispers sovereign summons to a single holy Light, all-pervading Will, inexorably converging design




The Certainty we hunt for in panic sometimes--

It would destroy us, obliterate us;

It belongs to Holy Providence.

The doubts that wear and tear us at times:

They are the clattering echoes, the piercing reverberations, of a desperate scramble--

For Certainty--

In the endless labyrinth of the finite heart.

Their boon is to blare warning: 'Love forbids.'

'I know Him Whom I have believed':

He ordains to us no other certainty.




The human heart enfolded by the timeless Life will incorrigibly blossom and burst with Love's fruits and--yes!--with sweet joy trace the changeless Face displayed on Heaven's swirling sky.




Life's mornings, daytimes and evenings: a time for cracking the crust, a time for weathering the Power's storms, and a time for fitting, ripe weariness




The piping, percolating spring season of the spirit is hard to let go for the quiet, rich industriousness of autumn–bound summer; 

But the summer infiltrates the spring and fall displaces summer; 

The deep engulfs the surface and the 'always' diffuses the 'next'; 

Death impels the faltering will and Resurrection swallows up death for finally and ever 
