cherish the nuclear family
work hard
set long-term goals and sacrifice for them
be punctual
consider intention as intrinsic to guilt or innocence
practice science
consider problems something to be solved
believe in cause-and-effect
set work as a priority before play
value objective, rational thinking
plan for the future
protect your property
make decisions...
Really, what would you think?
Do I hear "White Supremacist Racist"?
Do I hear "David Duke could hardly say it clearer"?
I agree.
So how do you explain all this being on a "Whiteness Chart" produced and promoted by the African-American History Museum?
And all these qualities, according to the chart, being...BAD things?
The Museum pulled the chart down after it kicked off a major brouhaha (surprise, surprise).
The Museum pulled it down over the brouhaha. Not because they've changed their minds about it.
This tells you pretty much all you need to know about the agenda behind this movement.
It's not "equality." It's the obliteration of a civilization in the frothing-rabid pursuit of power for power's sake, in the conviction that they, the Left, will be the ones with the guns (the ultimate force of government in their universe) when the smoke has cleared and the earth has soaked up the last of the blood.