Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Ephesians 1:3-10 Paraphrased

 An interpretive paraphrase of Ephesians 1:3-10: 

What can we do but love and exult in God, Who has revealed Himself anew and ultimately to us in the Son Jesus Christ? This revelation was His supreme act of rescue, sweeping us up through Christ, in this new unity of ours with Him, into the true life of vital connection with God—the infinite experience of knowing Him, of being fully part of His kingdom forever. 

And this was the point the whole time. Even before the world was made, this is what God was always going to bring it to: that His children were going to be—no matter what happened before in the mess of sin and human foolishness—were finally going to be "just right," whole, healed and radiantly good (as they were created to be), and basking in the divine Presence. 

The God Who is Love never intended anything but that. However impossible a prospect it seemed (particularly to our finite gaze), God knew it was going to happen; the plan was already under way. Jesus was always the core, meaning, essence of it all: our restoration to divine family-hood was only ever going to happen through Christ. That was always the secret seed, the core and raison d'ĂȘtre of the plan: it's all about Jesus. And that's why the plan's actualization, its materialization, the fact that it's HAPPENED, fuels our exultation, drives us to hail and honor God's unrivalled, incomparable, supreme love, the love He has relentlessly pursued to its absolute aim, no matter the cost. This love has unveiled itself in the face of Jesus. 

Yes, Jesus. Love's plan materialized in Him, and the way it did that is, His life was surrendered, His blood spilt, and the "why" of that was: for us, to finally bring God's forgiveness to us so we could come back to Him. And this passionate self-surrender, out of relentless love for us, lies at the heart of the treasure that is the being of God Who IS Love.  The self-surrendering God of Love has given HIMSELF to us, the price demanded to make our return to Him possible. 

We see it now, know it now, are living in this reality now, because coming back to God through this living Door Christ means that God lavishes on us ("Will not He Who gave His only Son not with Him give us all other things?") the understanding, the ah-ha! moments, the stupendous realizations, the overwhelming bursts of heavenly light, that make His unfathomable design at least incrementally more accessible and ever-more delightful to us. God has made it HAPPEN. It happened in the person of Jesus, Jesus Christ. 

And it didn't just happen "for us." No, what we've been swept into with Him is wildly bigger than any of us; it is the relentlessly accelerating divine design encompassing everything in existence. He's made us part of something infinite. Jesus is the foundation and pinnacle of the Father's design and appointment for absolutely all creation, and nothing can stop the design from its ultimate realization. The ultimate realization of the divine purpose for all creation all comes back, finally, to Who Christ is.