Friday, November 15, 2024

Good hate and good righteous

If a bunch of women barely dressed, essentially in lingerie, came to an American school to entertain the children with a vulgar, lewd display of prancing and grinding, we'd all (well, all of us who still possess at least an ounce of gray matter) call it sick, warped, practically child abuse. 

At the very least most sentient humans would ask, "WHY?" 

But if the bunch of "women" are men in drag, suddenly it's progressive enlightenment and to utter a word in protest is "hate." 

Yeah well, hate is good. There's lots of things we've got to hate. If we hated nothing our civilization would crumble to dust. There's plenty I hate, among them seeing children used as the pawns for a pathological sociopolitical agenda. That's definitely worth hating. 

Hate what's hateful. It's the loving thing to do. 

Not sure you're hating the right thing? Here's a test: if it's right to hate A, there is absolutely a B out there somewhere, the polar opposite of A, that's supremely worthy of loving attention and promulgation. Go love it and promulgate it. Do good. If your hate is right, then your love will be right. 

If your hate was skewed, your love will probably short-circuit as well. But that will be a good lesson. And so we keep on learning and growing. 

But don't hate hate. Hate hateful things. And... prove it. With more than words, certainly more than cheap memes. 

Prove it by living it.


It's just criminal that "righteous" has been degraded to an epithet.  But this is just more of the general dumbed-down pop-culture-drone illiteracy at work. 

Real righteousness is beautiful and magnificent, not to mention beneficent (note: that last word is NOT "ben-uh-FISH-int," a word that doesn't actually exist; "beneficent" is "be-NEH-fi-sent" and means "well-doing"). 

Try to be righteous. 

And try not to be self-righteous. 

It's the trying that counts.