A question Trump really needs to put to Biden directly is, "As president, would you expand the Supreme Court to more than nine justices?"
ENOUGH already with this insidiously vague nonsense about "court-packing".
A third of the country doesn't even understand what it MEANS.
The really stupid, slack-jawed ones (the "Duffers") think Trump is already "packing the court" simply because he got to fill three vacancies.
And the really evil ones, who know better (the Demagogues), are capitalizing on that ignorance: "Yeah, yeah, you got it, that's what Trump's doing!"
It's called...LYING.
Yeah, I know, it's a ten-dollar word. Look it up.
And a refusal by Biden to say whether he'd expand the court is called: imperious, arrogant contempt for the American voter.
Talk about a monarchical presidency in the making....sheesh.
"You peons don't deserve to know what I'm going to do. Just give me the office and I'll do whatever I want."
This is the king-wannabe who let his royal highness Hunter tag along on Air Force 2 to go get his million-dollar hauls in countries where VP Daddy was ostensibly serving America.
Sheesh again.
Trump has been 1001% transparent compared to Biden.
When "compassion" means a porous non-border that fuels human trafficking, rape, child molestation and drug cartels, when "court-packing" means keeping the Supreme Court at nine, when "peaceful protest" means burning down city blocks and assassinating police officers, when "Defund Police" is the recipe for civil order, when "Black Lives Matter" promises to "tear the system down" over 9 "unarmed Black Americans" killed per year by policemen but utters NOT A WORD about THOUSANDS of Black Americans slaughtered every year in our cities, we have truly entered the Age of the Duffers, only their wannabe rulers are no kindly, longsuffering magicians like in C.S. Lewis' story:
"The Magician sighed: 'You wouldn't believe the troubles I've had with them. A few months ago they were all for washing up the plates and knives before dinner; they said it saved time afterwards. I've caught them planting boiled potatoes to save cooking them when they were dug up. One day the cat got into the dairy and twenty of them were at work moving the milk out; no one thought of moving the cat.'"
C.S. Lewis' Duffers were funny, and the magician was noble.
Today's Duffers aren't funny but inflamed, like Hitler's cheering throngs. And their Demagogue cheerleaders are pathological, power-lusting liars wholly intent on whipping the Duffers into maximum delirium and frenzy.
There is another category, perhaps more perspicacious than the Duffers and less flagrantly pernicious than the Demagogues. These are the ones who see the perfect nonsense that's being made out of language and what a fraud the whole "Woke" edifice is, yet they are so satisfied with the political capital it brings their "side," they...stay silent. Not least because the mere utterance of "But wait, is that quite true?" would reap a whirlwind of rage from their "friends." In their case, actually, "Silence is How to AVOID Violence."
There is another category, perhaps more perspicacious than the Duffers and less flagrantly pernicious than the Demagogues. These are the ones who see the perfect nonsense that's being made out of language and what a fraud the whole "Woke" edifice is, yet they are so satisfied with the political capital it brings their "side," they...stay silent. Not least because the mere utterance of "But wait, is that quite true?" would reap a whirlwind of rage from their "friends." In their case, actually, "Silence is How to AVOID Violence."
It's called Cowardice.