Monday, October 19, 2020

Only The Soul is Forever

 As C.S. Lewis liked to point out, societies, civilizations and cultures are temporal and finite, but the human soul is for ever. A society isn't a soul and it has no eternal destiny.

The hellish irony worked out all too often in the most concrete and horrific ways, especially during the 20th century, is the Big Lie foisted on the masses that, "If we all sacrifice our happiness and, yes, our rights, for the sake of this Glorious Ideology NOW, then SOME DAY in the future, SOCIETY will attain the peak of evolution and the Perfect Man will dawn." What this TRANSLATES as, in real terms, particularly in the most egregious case of Marxism-Leninism, is this: millions and hundreds of millions of lives are cheap, expendable fodder in the service and pursuit of the Ideology (as, of course, packaged, promoted and enforced by the INDIVIDUALS AT THE TOP...who seem to be living pretty well in the meantime...), and they should be grateful enough (if they know what's good for them) that, maybe a hundred or five hundred years from now, "Society"--the great Moloch to whom they offer up their lives and their children's lives--having finally "arrived" at the peak of its evolutionary destiny, will THANK them for their fine service, whether their service was performed in the factories, at the front, or in the concentration camps. SOCIETY will triumphantly declare "It was all worth it!" And everyone then alive will cheer on cue...and no one will be that would, of course, be a crime against...SOCIETY. Is it any wonder that such ideologies invariably reject, either overtly or implicitly, the revelation of the PERSONAL God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ Who became the Sacrifice Lamb for HUMAN SOULS? No totalitarian ideology can ever reconcile itself to the VALUE God has invested and confirmed, in BLOOD, in the single, everlasting human soul. And why? Not because any ideology has an intrinsic will or a life of its own (any more than a "culture" or "civilzation" does!) but because the ruthless pursuit of an ideology at the expense of all human value and worth is, in fact, the ultimate manifestation in human flesh of diabolical pride and "Individualism"--the megalomania of a Hitler, a Stalin, an Antichrist, that declares, "I am the One Individual for whom all else exists". As Lewis liked to remind people, we must perpetually doubt and beware of those who smilingly assure us they are going to make all our lives better.... It is no accident that the same promisers require the coercive force of government--ultimately, the power of the gun--and the unique--might I say "individualistic"!--status of Leader to achieve these professed aims...though...ain't it funny...they never do.